LTW’s 4th annual Young Playwrights of Tucson Competition encourages students from all over our community to write and submit their short stories for a chance to be workshopped in the summer. Each top young playwright is teamed up with one of LTW’s seasoned playwrights/directors to help get their plays from the scripts to the stage. Local talented students audition, perform, and run the tech for all of the shows. This is a great way to see Tucson youth blow you away with how much talent they have. With the help of LTW’s Children’s Theatre leaders, these students take the stage and give a voice to the stories they want everyone to hear.
Come see Tucson’s talented teens as they present:
Why the Hell Would the Exit Sign Be In Swedish by Alex Cramton
Love In the Time of Other Things by Maddie Hill
The Milhouse Murder Mystery by Nathaniel Wiley
Mr. Collymore’s Spontaneous Summer Vacation by Catherine Oda
The Mishap of a Missing Meldort: A D&D Story by Lin Clark
The Rumor: A Mystery Play by Genevieve Berry