Ugly Little Monkeys is a feature length documentary film that tells the true story of Los Changuitos Feos de Tucson, the first youth mariachi group in the United States. The group was started in 1964 by Father Charles Henry Rourke, an Irish Catholic Priest from Schenectady, New York. The members of the group ranged in age from nine to sixteen, and the majority of them were from the mostly Mexican/American communities in Tucson, Arizona.
Ugly Little Monkeys is a feature length documentary film that tells the true story of Los Changuitos Feos de Tucson, the first youth mariachi group in the United States. The group was started in 1964 by Father Charles Henry Rourke, an Irish Catholic Priest from Schenectady, New York. The members of the group ranged in age from nine to sixteen, and the majority of them were from the mostly Mexican/American communities in Tucson, Arizona.