Henry Porter is an ordinary young fellow...or is he? It seems that he has a hidden talent that even he is not aware of - he is a Wizard! Sparked with the arrival of a mysterious invitation to Frogwaits Magical Academy, Henry must leave behind his everyday life and begin an extraordinary journey! As he studies to become a wizard, Henry also learns the true story of his mysterious past. He devotes himself to mastering his new found skills, but he must also face great dangers and destructive powers beyond his experience! For, it seems that only Henry Porter can prevent the Sorcering Sphere from plunging into chaos and darkness. Along the way, he will discover a world of magic and friendship that he never knew existed. He will be called upon to use his skills and bravery to save those very friends. Can this Wizard find a place for himself amidst the colorful characters of Frogwaits Academy and save himself and those around him? Find out in The Gaslight Theatre's hilarious spoof, "Henry Porter and the Sorcerer's Secret!"